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Do Protein Shakes Help You Lose Belly Fat?

Few drives in American society are as powerful as the drive to lose weight, especially when it’s in the form of belly fat. All forms of media, from advertisements to social media posts, are inundated with images of thin, fit men and women who push a standard of beauty that can be difficult to match. In response, a number of diets and products have emerged, each promising to give you an ideal physique.

Protein shakes are sometimes associated with these diets, but do protein shakes really help you lose belly fat? Continue reading to find out.

How Weight Loss Really Works

Despite the myriad fad diets floating around the Internet, each seemingly more complicated than the last, weight loss is actually governed by a very simple equation: consume fewer calories than your body needs, and it will be forced to consume stored fat for fuel, making you lose weight. (Weight gain works on the same principle, but in reverse.)

Of course, there are other factors involved that can affect how many calories your body needs or how your body metabolizes the food you take in. A body with more muscle mass will naturally expend more calories than one with less muscle tissue, for example, which helps with the overall expenditure of calories. For a detailed analysis of your ideal caloric intake each day, speak with a health or dietary professional.

Overall, though, techniques that help you limit your caloric intake while still maintaining a balanced, healthy diet will be most effective. Most nutritionists and dieticians will also tell you that the best diet is the one you will actually stick with, so take your own level of willingness to change your eating habits into account when deciding the weight loss shake that might work for you.

Protein and Weight Loss

Though you have probably heard a passing reference to the health drawbacks of eating fats and carbs, protein’s role in weight loss is discussed somewhat less frequently. In practice, protein is one of the most effective nutrients for those who want to shed some belly fat, and protein shakes for sports nutrition, or for any use, can be an efficient way of getting plenty of this key macronutrient.

For one thing, protein offers improved satiation compared to fats and carbohydrates; in other words, it helps you feel full for longer so you can resist hunger pangs or the temptation to grab a snack. This can lead to a reduction in a person’s total daily calorie intake, which goes a long way in contributing to their weight loss efforts.

A 2008 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that participants in who followed a high-protein diet (in which 25% of calories came from protein) experienced the most extensive weight loss – an average of more than 20 pounds compared to a loss of 13 pounds in the medium-protein (12% of calories from protein) group. In addition, the high-protein group saw a 10% greater reduction in the amount of belly fat over a six-month period.

In addition, protein can be used to supply your body with energy in a similar way that fats and carbs do, but this process requires more energy with protein than with other macronutrients. Including a greater amount of protein in your diet will still fuel your body, but it will also make your system work harder, increasing energy expenditure and further aiding your weight loss efforts. That being said, you still need both fats and carbohydrates in your diet; try to limit your protein intake to no more than 30-35% of your daily calories, even if you live an active lifestyle.

Protein Shakes as a Weight Loss Tool

For people looking to shed pounds or gain muscle, protein shakes are an ideal supplement. Not only do these beverages fuel your muscles after a workout, but they also provide a quick, convenient, effortless way to incorporate additional protein into your diet. However, keep in mind that not all protein shakes offer the same benefits; some are of a higher caliber than others.

Many protein shakes pad their calorie counts with unhealthy additives such as corn syrup; this should be avoided. Instead, choose a protein shake with healthy ingredients that can be easily absorbed by your body for the best results. Alternatively, consider making a protein shake on your own by adding protein power to a healthy protein shake recipe.

For instance, consider the complete, well-rounded nutrition provided by ENU meal replacement shakes. Each carton contains 20 grams of protein from whey and soy isolates – the most effective kinds of protein supplements available – along with heart-healthy fats in the form of coconut and sunflower oils; complex carbs derived from brown rice, tapioca, and quinoa for extended energy; and a blend of more than 20 vitamins and minerals. Plus, each ENU shake is gluten-free, lactose-free, non-GMO, Kosher, and contains no artificial sweeteners, sucrose, or corn syrup.

Balanced Protein Shake to Help with Losing Unwanted Weight

Finding the protein or nutritional shake that’s right for you can seem tough, given the sheer volume of products on the market. Still, for a well-rounded source of nutrition, ENU meal replacement shakes can’t be beat. Our beverages offer everything your body needs to stay healthy and feel full between or after meals, so sticking to your diet is that much easier. To learn more about all of ENU’s products or to try some out for yourself, visit us online or call (855) 266-6733 today.

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