Our Protein Shakes for Weight Loss
Losing weight is such a common aspiration – not only in America but in other countries as well – that entire industries have cropped up around its popularity. Store shelves, websites, and TV commercials abound with products promising to make you lean and trim in weeks – just take this pill or buy that device.
With so many options, it can be difficult to separate the imposters from the effective brands, especially among food products like protein or meal replacement shakes; that’s why ENU puts the focus on the quality of ingredients and a healthy formulation instead of making false promises or pushing gimmicks. Our meal replacement shakes can be a powerful tool for weight loss, but like any tool, its effectiveness depends on how it’s used. This piece will explain the best way to use nutritional or protein shakes to lose weight. Learn more by visiting ENU online or by calling (855) 266-6733 today.
How Does the Body Lose Weight?
A number of factors can affect a person’s ability to lose weight, from their genes and metabolism to their diet and level of physical activity, making it tough to generalize about the mechanisms of weight loss and how they apply to individuals. That said, there is a fundamental formula that underlies all weight loss efforts; it could even be said that other weight management techniques work by simply modifying this one equation. In a nutshell, the equation is as follows: Take the amount of calories you consume over the course of the day and subtract the number of calories your body uses over that time to find out your rate of weight gain or loss (depending on whether the result is positive or negative, respectively).
For example, consider the standard 2,000-calorie diet used as the basis for nutrition labels. If your body uses about 2,000 calories per day and you stick to the standard diet mentioned above, you will be burning all the calories you consume, resulting in a stable body weight that neither rises nor falls. However, if you change your diet so that you only eat about 1,500 calories daily, your body will be operating on a 500-calorie deficit, forcing it to use fuel reserves – which, for most people, means fat – instead of those calories now missing from your diet.
Maintaining a 500-calorie deficit for one week will give you a net loss of 3,500 calories for that week – calories that your body burned fat to get rid of. Because a single pound of body fat provides about 3,500 calories, that 500-calorie deficit translates to a loss of about one pound of fat per week or four pounds per month. Most healthcare professionals recommend a maximum rate of weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week; to go beyond that is to risk putting the weight back on (and then some) down the road. For this reason, stick to a deficit of no more than 500-800 calories per day to maintain healthy weight loss.
How Protein Shakes Help with Weight Loss
Although popular diets typically deal more with fats and carbs than with protein, there is no doubt that this crucial macronutrient offers many benefits to those looking to shed pounds. This may come as a surprise to those who (understandably) associate protein with muscle-bound bodybuilder types, but the truth is that protein can be just as beneficial to those looking to slim down as it is to those wanting to bulk up, though obviously for different reasons.
One of the most noteworthy advantages of protein-heavy diets is that they tend to curb the urge to snack or binge. This happens because protein causes greater feelings of satiation or fullness than other nutrients, creating a sense of satisfaction – even with smaller portions – and helping you stick to your diet in the long run.
Protein has also shown to trigger greater energy consumption in the body, making a high-protein diet more efficient for those who want to burn more fat. Part of the reason for this is that protein requires more energy to digest than fats or carbs, meaning that your body gains fewer net calories from protein.
When used in conjunction with exercise, protein can set you up for long-term success with weight loss. As many people know, protein is used by the body to build and repair muscles after a workout, leading to greater muscle gains; since muscle tissue burns more calories than other types, even at rest, building up your muscle mass can contribute to greater weight loss overall and can help you keep the weight off over time.
Of course, not all protein or meal replacement shakes are created equal; an unhealthy option will still be unhealthy, even with a scoop of protein added to the mix. ENU shakes aim to provide a sizeable portion of protein while maintaining a well-rounded nutritional profile, giving you a balanced source of fuel for your weight loss efforts, whatever form they may take.
Nutritious Protein Shakes for Weight Loss Available from ENU
For those seeking an effective, healthy product to aid them in reaching their weight loss goals, ENU has just the thing. Our meal replacement shakes offer 21 grams of protein from whey and soy along with complex carbs and heart-healthy fats for a wholesome, hunger-fighting snack anytime. Learn more about all our products have to offer by visiting our website or by calling us at (855) 266-6733 today.