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Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that is non-digestible and vital for several bodily processes. Among its many benefits, fiber can help regulate gastrointestinal issues and even promote weight loss. For those looking for a viable source of fiber, the superfood quinoa might do the trick.

Quinoa is a whole grain that has become increasingly popular in the world of health and fitness. That being said, quinoa has been a staple in various cuisines for a long time. Quinoa has one of the highest fiber contents of any other whole grain, at over five grams per 1-cup serving. The fiber in quinoa is both soluble and insoluble, so eating it can address multiple dietary issues. Consuming enough fiber is important, and adding quinoa or meal replacement shakes to your diet can help boost your intake.

At ENU, we offer alternative ways to increase your fiber intake. Specifically, the creamy chocolate flavor of our ENU Nutritional Shakes contains sufficient fiber as well as important nutrients. To purchase ENU Nutritional Shakes with fiber, visit our website or call today at (855) 266-6733.

How Much Fiber Is in a Serving of Quinoa?

Quinoa has one of the highest fiber contents of all grains. This rice-like superfood is a favorite of health fanatics and food enthusiasts alike. Among its many benefits, quinoa has a relatively high fiber content per cooked up. It’s easy to add to meals and can satiate almost any appetite.

In every 185 grams (about 1 cup) of quinoa, there are 5.2 grams of fiber. In terms of grains, this is a substantial amount of fiber per serving. Generally, the recommended daily intake of fiber is about 25 grams. The fiber content of a cup of quinoa is about 19% of the daily requirements for a healthy diet. You can get more fiber in your diet through fruits, vegetables, and beans, too. There are other alternatives, like meal replacement shakes, that offer significant amounts of fiber. For example, the creamy chocolate flavor of ENU Nutritional Shakes with fiber contains four grams per serving. The vanilla cream flavor has 2.5 grams. Other whole grains, like brown rice, have a significant amount of fiber per serving, too. However, if you want to boost your daily fiber intake, quinoa can help more.

The fiber in quinoa doesn’t break down into sugars as other carbohydrates do. Instead, it either remains intact or dissolves in the digestive tract. Fiber in your digestive tract feeds good bacteria in your intestines while eliminating the bad kind. It can speed up digestion, which can be helpful for those with gastrointestinal issues. Adding quinoa to your diet can boost your fiber intake in a significant way.

What Are the Benefits of Fiber in Quinoa?

The fiber in quinoa has several health benefits. Most famously, fiber is known to speed up digestion and encourage the gastrointestinal tract to function. In addition, fiber can promote weight loss and may even help prevent colon cancer. This carbohydrate can also be useful to those with diabetes since it works to regulate blood sugar levels.

There are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. The former doesn’t dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract, and the latter does. Quinoa contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. When it comes to speeding up digestion, soluble fiber is the key. It allows your body to absorb nutrients more quickly. Those with absorption deficiencies, like cystic fibrosis patients, can benefit from adding quinoa into their diet.

Soluble fiber also helps regulate blood sugar levels which can be helpful to people with diabetes. Because fiber doesn’t break into sugars like other carbohydrates, it can slow down glucose absorption from other carbs. If you have diabetes, eating fiber alongside other carbohydrates can help you control your blood sugar levels.

Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve and maintains its form. Because of this, it can help food move through the body quicker. The dietary fiber in quinoa can also aid in weight loss. Like ENU Nutritional Shakes with fiber, quinoa can promote weight loss due to its high fiber and protein content. One cup of quinoa contains over 200 calories, making it the perfect snack or side to a delicious meal. It’s commonly found in cuisines worldwide, so adding quinoa to your diet won’t be as difficult as you might think. For your first steps, start by replacing the rice in your favorite dishes with quinoa instead.

How Can I Get Fiber if I Don’t Like Quinoa?

Although quinoa can increase your daily fiber intake, it’s not the only method out there. Quinoa isn’t quite like rice. It’s a bit grainier and isn’t necessarily everyone’s first choice. Like rice, however, quinoa can take a long time to prepare. If you don’t like quinoa or want to switch things up, there are alternative ways to increase your fiber intake.

Yes, quinoa can be a simple way to introduce added fiber into your diet. But, you might not always be in the mood to prepare it. Sometimes, it’s more appealing to turn to a quicker, more convenient option. If you aren’t in the mood for quinoa, you can always turn to a healthy meal replacement shake. For example, ENU Nutritional Shakes with fiber, especially the creamy chocolate flavor, are energy-dense meal replacement shakes that offer sufficient fiber. Although meal replacement shakes may have slightly less fiber than a cup of quinoa (four grams instead of five), they have other nutritional benefits.

In addition to the fiber in meal replacement shakes, there’s also plenty of protein and added nutrients. Take ENU Nutritional Shakes with fiber, for example. In each serving size, which can be easier to consume than a cup of quinoa, there are 400 calories and 20 grams of protein. That’s compared to quinoa’s 222 calories and 8.1 grams of protein per serving. Although quinoa can be a great source of fiber, there are other options available. If you don’t enjoy the taste or texture of the whole grain, you can try adding meal replacement shakes into your diet instead.

Use ENU Nutritional Shakes to Boost Your Fiber Intake

If you want to increase your daily fiber intake, try incorporating meal replacement shakes or quinoa into your diet. Call ENU at (855) 266-6733 or visit us online to purchase ENU Nutritional Shakes with fiber today.

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